In the topics below you will find all information needed to isolate a fault and exclude problems yourself, our repair/warranty procedure and shipping instructions in case a repair is needed. We suggest you read the topics carefully before shipping your defective device.
- The Structured fault finding procedure can help customers to accurately pin-point problems and ask questions.
- The Repair/warranty procedure explains how we operate.
- The Shipping instructions cover the RMA form, how to fill in customs paperwork to prevent VAT costs and packaging.
Structured fault finding procedure
Occasionally, we get questions about problems with equipment when nothing is wrong with the equipment but the problem lies somewhere else, or the bug is actually a feature. To prevent needless shipping of equipment around the globe we have made a structured fault-finding procedure. Help us to help you in pinpointing the source of the problem. If you can't find the source of the problem we are there to ask questions and help. So what can you test before sending an RMA request?
Not a bug but a feature:
If volume control is not working, do you see an F in the display? Turn Fixed volume control off in the menu.
If MQA is not working, is it turned ON in the menu?
The display of my Sonnet device turns off but the rest of the device keeps functioning. A display off function can be set in the menu. Hermes and Kratos: long-press the power button to access the menu. Morpheus and Pasithea: press the Source and Power button at the same time to access the menu.
Adagio and Jade: when I plug in power I'm not getting sound. A protection circuit is present in the Metrum DAC+preamp models to prevent overload of a connected power amplifier. Using the volume up button on the remote control removes the safety muting and in effect restores sound.
Can you check:
Are the led indicators or the display dim or unreadable?
Do any of the indicator lights function?
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Did it ever work correctly, or was the problem present from the start?
What changed before the problem occurred?
Is the fault intermittent?
Does controlling the volume change anything?
What external factors are present when the fault occurs? (think temperature, other connected equipment, changed a cable, moving a cable, turned on another device and the like)
Did the fault occur when you just turned the equipment on or mid-music-play?
What was in place of the defective equipment before? Did that work properly?
Is all equipment connected to the same single wall socket and not on sockets across the room?
Can you (let someone with an electrical engineering background) check the line voltage setting and check the fuses for continuity? Always unplug equipment before checking!
If equipment doesn't turn on, has a dim display, dim indicator lights or smells bad unplug it, contact us and fill in the RMA request form.
Have you tried:
Other cables or wiggling cables
Other input on DAC
Other input on pre-amp
Different sampling rates
Other DAC in the same place (if available)
Rattle test
Please tell us what you found, and also what you didn't or couldn't test.
When filling in the RMA form, please also mention which other associated equipment is in the audio chain. Think of digital sources, DACs, amplifiers and (active) speakers.
If you can isolate the problem make sure you fill in this information on the RMA form. If you need assistance we will advise where possible. If we can't help you pinpoint the problem a repair is usually needed.
Repair/warranty procedure
Before sending equipment to us for repair, warranty or returns please contact your point of sales first. If this is a dealer, contact your dealer first. If you ordered directly from us or need a modification (i.e. Pavane Level upgrade), contact us. Some problems are not a problem but a feature, sometimes a cable is broken, associated equipment can be defective, so we appreciate minding the environment and ship equipment only when needed. Let us help you to figure out what and where the problem is/lies before sending equipment for repair. This can also give peace of mind and prevent frustration. We really want to help you by asking questions. If together we can't figure out what is wrong, sending equipment for repair is the best option. We aim to help and have satisfied customers.
Shipping for repair
Before sending equipment to us for repair, warranty or returns please check our structured fault finding procedure. Some problems are not a problem but a feature, sometimes a cable is broken or associated equipment can be defective, so we appreciate minding the environment and ship equipment only when needed. Let us help you to figure out what the problem is, which can also diminish frustration. You can contact, also if you already isolated a fault. If together we can't figure out what is wrong, a repair is usually needed. Please fill in all necessary customs paperwork to prevent waiting times at a customs department and ship your repair(s) to us. Below is all important data:
Metrum Acoustics BV
Street: Daviottenweg 9
ZIP code: 5222BH
City: 's-Hertogenbosch
Country: the Netherlands
att: Metrum repairs (Metrum returns - in case of a return)
HS code: 85198900
MID code (intended use): 130.006
RN number according to the following format: "RN MA-YYYYMMDD-initials"
(Format: MA for Metrum Acoustics/SDA for Sonnet, Year, Month, Day, Initials of owner)
BTW number: NL861419005B01
EORI number: NL861419005
KvK number: 78480817
Before packaging and shipping, fill in and print the RMA Form (download). Put the RMA form in the box so the owner can always be traced. Take your time in describing the problem or refer to email communication: see also our structured fault finding scheme (Which other equipment is connected? Does the fault always occur or is it intermittent? Have you tested other inputs/outputs? Other sample rates?)
Declare the goods as a repair in the official customs paperwork (not as commercial export), which counts as a temporary import. Declare the customs value as low, this indicates that no taxes are due. The amount that is declared to the insurance can in some cases be different (higher), and is completely independent from the customs value. It is a 'defective' unit, therefore, the value can be declared as low. Mark the outside of the package with “repair” and write the RN number on the outside of the box. In the customs paperwork use the HS code: 85198900 so customs knows what type of goods is inside the box. For incoterms choose DAP (Delivered At Place). Use EORI number NL861419005 to state that Metrum (as addressee) is a company and that we accept repairs that don't need to be taxed. Sending a device as commercial export will result in VAT costs because we need to pay VAT for the import, but also can't send the device back as a repair resulting in VAT for you, our customer. Please note that, if applicable, customs fees and VAT will have to be paid by the customer.
Upon receipt of your shipment we will notify you. Please note that the Netherlands is an EU country and that - depending on shipping method - shipping from some parts of the world can take a long time. Also, customs services sometimes take their time in releasing goods.
We will do an external check for damages. If a device is damaged during transport we will notify you and send pictures for insurance purposes if needed. After reading the RMA form we will try to reproduce the error. Sometimes it happens that no fault is found, we will then do a burn-in test with your equipment. Some customers appreciate an indication of repair costs, we will only do this if you request us to do so and by writing the amount for notification in the RMA form.
Some customers request us to repair their equipment, but in the process also do upgrades. We can do the upgrades for you, since we already have the equipment open. On top of that, we also measure the end result and verify proper functioning.
When we receive payment for the repairs we will ship your equipment back. For some parts of the world - for example the USA - track and trace information will work until the shipment reaches US soil. Then, the package is not traceable while it is being processed by customs. After release of the shipment, the track and trace information will work again.
If you have any further questions, feel free to send us a message!