Metrum Forte


The Metrum Forte power amplifier will serve you with holographic sound as known from good tube designs.

Color: Silver
Voltage: 120V

For a long time Metrum Acoustics has used hybrid (triode) amps for critical evaluations and pure listening pleasure. What we did not like was the fact that triodes suffer from aging problems. In simulation software, we started to simulate triodes with FETs instead. The good thing with triodes is their low gain and large bandwidth without any need for feedback. As a result we realized a full class A high voltage FET circuit having the right gain, very good open loop bandwidth and low noise figures. A similarity to tubes is the high voltage of 350 Volts to operate the circuit. As a result an amazing linearity without any feedback was realized. From the very linear input circuit a class A/B (first 10 watts in class A) output section is driven. A little feedback in this section is necessary to get the right gain but also improve the damping factor at the same time. Compared to older hybrids, there’s no sonic difference, just less noise and lower distortion.

After two years of prototyping and testing, we’ve now turned this into a commercial product. The circuits are over-dimensioned to be sure power to handle any transient is available. Still we added a lot of protection to avoid damage to your loudspeakers in case of a malfunction. A soft start procedure is added to charge the prodigious capacity of 176000µF. This huge capacity is needed during complex and dynamic transients. As known hybrids combine tube sound and amazing control as realized by transistor designs. Here you have the solution. The Metrum Forte power amplifier will serve you without problems as known with normal hybrids but still having the holographic sound as known from good tube designs. The Forte is an addition to our awarded Adagio or Jade digital pre-amplifier and can be conveniently coupled with a remote cable. Using the remote control of the ADAGIO or JADE also turns the FORTE power amplifier on.

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Data sheet

Amplifier Class
Class A
Frequency Response
10-90.000 Hz – 3DB
50 Watt to 8 Ohm, 100 Watt to 4 Ohm, 170 Watt to 2 Ohm. Max power 400 Watt
Input Impedance
RCA 15 KOhm, XLR 60 KOhm
Slew Rate
50V / µSec
Total Harmonic Distortion
0.03% THD
Damping Factor
Output Noise
300 µV RMS
Input Sensitivity
RCA 240 mV RMS for 1 Watt, 1.75 V for 50 Watt, XLR 480 mV RMS for 1 Watt, XLR 480 mV RMS for 1 Watt, 3.5 V for 50 Watt

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